
As a little girl, my mom often said, "Patience is a virtue". I kept thinking, "yeah, whatever that means". I suppose now that I am older it holds more truth as I, ironically, still struggle to be patient for God's beautiful plan and promise. The following blogs are my thoughts and trials about life's journey and the emotions of being patient in waiting for the sun to rise...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 8: A New Feeling of Confidence

Stepped on the scale... no change no decrease in what I weight.  I have changed quite a bit but the scale is only one measure.  I wish I would have measured myself.  I am wearing much different clothes and they look much different on me.  I've done really well with this cleanse.  I have followed it well.  I feel much thinner but I have been doing a lot of working out this week.  I am sure I've built muscle, and since that weighs more than fat, that's probably why I have stalled out in weight loss.  Today, is my rest day.  I usually have a rest day after soccer.  Last night I got to see the effects of this progress.

Sunday nights I have been playing soccer for a little over a month now.  I wanted to push myself to run harder in my work outs.  The first couple games were embarrassing for me.  I would start off only able to run a 10 foot long sprint and then I got winded.  I got beat to every ball and every person made a fast break on me and zoomed past.  My ball skills were terrible.  It was depressing, but it made me really determined to try harder.  I kept leaving the field feeling like death saying, "it just sucks because you know how you used to be able to play, and then you know how you're playing now".  I know how to play the game.  I know when I am not playing well.  And I am the first person to beat myself up, but when no one passes the ball to you, you pretty much know... you suck.  But I felt every workout (for at least a few days at a time), and each week I was determined to run as hard as I could knowing I would push myself for the sake of the team (and my image) much more than I would alone in the heat of the day.

The last couple weeks, I touched the ball a few times.  I was usually getting winded after one good run, but it wasn't like I was the WORST person on the field.  I felt like I was improving but was still sucky.  But last night...  I felt good.  Full of energy, I came to the game ready to play rather than ready to take a nap.  My body was ready, and I played the best I have played since returning to work outs.  I marked my player and made runs up and down multiple times.  I beat people to the ball.  And the best part... a guy on my team yells out "nice defense" in the first few minutes of the game.  A guy who I think usually rolls his eyes on my meager attempts to play.  It just got me excited, and by the end of the night, I felt a few people were noticing a difference in my ability.

I was sweating like crazy but I felt good.  No haze or mental fog.  The guy next to me on the bench said he was feeling gross and tired.  I know that feeling.  I just wonder had I known about clean eating back in high school if I would have been a better soccer player.  I see the different in my performance.  I feel the difference.  And I remember what it was like to feel like crap.  Last night, I was proud of myself.  And when I got back in the car rather than wanting to die, I actually felt good.  I felt so good I went home and cleaned the house.  It was liberating.  I haven't felt good about my physical performance in years... maybe since grad school when I was doing timed 4 mile runs on the canal, but even after those, I always wanted to take a hot shower and a nap.  I have never felt that energy burst after a workout.  

I've started wondering what will happen in 48 hours when the cleanse is over.  Will I add dairy back in?  Will I eat carbs?  I miss bread sometimes.  Usually when I want a quick sandwich, some toast with eggs, or to just be able to eat out and not think about how much sugar is in a sauce or item.  I know we will be leaving for vacation Friday and the last thing I want to is lose the gains I have made.  I need a plan.  Reckless, mindless eating is what leads me into a dark place.  It's truly like an alcoholic with booze.  I am so tempted when I don't think about it, to just go back to my old ways...  I am a few greasy burgers and a pizza slice away from a full blown relapse, but I also don't want to be a "stick in the mud" or have to be completely separate from everyone else in what I eat.  I NEED A RELAPSE PREVENTION PLAN!!!  I think I have a big sense of anxiety about not having such tight restrictions.  I know the temptation to eat pizza, burgers, and a whole crap ton of bread is upcoming in my future.  And I have a new love/hate relationship with bread.  I still LOVE it's taste, but I HATE the way it makes me feel.  It's toxic to me, but it provides an instant gratification that no other thing in my life provides.

It's clearly an area that's a work in progress.  I need to figure out what is best for me longer term.  I need to decide if I can be a "social" carb eater who occasionally indulges out with friends but doesn't buy all kinds of carbs to eat at home.  And making sure the carbs I eat at home are good carbs.  Whole wheat, not sugar laden, processed crap.  The stuff that does feel like crack to me.  If only getting older was easier....

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