
As a little girl, my mom often said, "Patience is a virtue". I kept thinking, "yeah, whatever that means". I suppose now that I am older it holds more truth as I, ironically, still struggle to be patient for God's beautiful plan and promise. The following blogs are my thoughts and trials about life's journey and the emotions of being patient in waiting for the sun to rise...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Closing the Door

Finally, my W2 arrived from my old job  (they are early, I know...), but I have been anxiously awaiting this envelop for two reasons.  1. Because I didn't make enough in 2010 to be past the federal poverty line so I actually get all my money back :) and 2: It's the last that I have to deal with my old job, so I get to close the door to that chapter of my life.

Ironically, tomorrow is the first day I am out of training at my new job and going to one of my new schools.  I am nervous: butterflies and all.  I haven't been to high school since I was in high school.  So much has changed with teens since I was there.  There is texting, sexting, and i-poding.  It's normal to dye your hair, pierce your face, get a boob job and have babies before you can drive a car.  I'M OLD!  But yet, it feels like I was just there not that long ago. (At least I know how to blog... that's gotta be sorta hip, isn't it??)  When I was in high school, I thought therapy was for weirdo's with issues (and clearly I wasn't one of those), so I am sure this generation will be tickled pink to hear I will be at their school two days a week.  I got out folders about drug use, pamphlets about teen pregnancy, fun family work books about building self esteem.  OMG!  I am excited!

I met some neat people at my training today.  A woman who works for the company who was a CTS grad (24 years ago) who said it's the best agency to work for in the state.  I also met a therapist I worked with on another case and got a long awaited smile that one of my kiddo's was ok.  And over all, a good sense about my two placements for work continues to roll in through all kinds of experiences and comments from others.  I think I can really handle this.  I can quite honestly say, I really enjoy going to work.  I haven't said that since practicum.  I am so happy the road led down this way.  I am so glad I sense the sun is going to rise.  I think something amazing is going to come out of this.

So tomorrow is my new beginning.  New clients, new office space, new procedures, new in-take format, new paperwork, new outfits, and really, a new me.  My passion for therapy (not just doing social work) is returning.  I am so excited for what God has planned for me.  I feel like a kid knee deep in the sand box ready to build something amazing.  I just know this is a good place for me to be.  God keeps putting person after person in at work who just keeps saying the same thing: "This is a good company, a safe company, and a company that supports their employees".  Keep speaking!!

So here is to closing doors and opening new ones... Tomorrow I return as Ms. Byrnes (or Ms. Kerrie, which ever you prefer).  I CAN'T WAIT!

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