
As a little girl, my mom often said, "Patience is a virtue". I kept thinking, "yeah, whatever that means". I suppose now that I am older it holds more truth as I, ironically, still struggle to be patient for God's beautiful plan and promise. The following blogs are my thoughts and trials about life's journey and the emotions of being patient in waiting for the sun to rise...

Monday, September 23, 2013

A Moment of Silence...

One thing that has surprised me most about working part-time at my private office versus full time is that I still have so much work to do.   I still have about 10 pounds of baby weight I'm trying to lose, still have over flowing trash cans, 6 loads of laundry, dishes, claims to file, progress notes to write, etc etc etc.  Every Monday, I title my day, reclaim your life day.  Baby is usually wiped from the weekend and sleeps in and takes longer naps.  So we usually stay at home and play catch up.  Yes, I will admit, I have had a couple afternoon naps, a couple for lunches out with friends, many walks, and have seen Dr Phil most days, but other than that, I am on the go from wake until sleep. 

After a weekend away, the work load is usually twice a big.  Despite coming home in the middle of the night Saturday and cleaning and mowing for hours yesterday, I still feel buried.  I got this little reminder on facebook though, that being a good parents starts with taking care of yourself.  Having time where I re-center with the Lord and realize the bigger picture.  So here I am as little one is still sleeping in (she stayed up until 11pm). 

Surely, this time with my coffee and blog is my time.  I won't usually get many quiet moments where the dog is sleeping in the yard and the baby is silent and not in danger of hurting herself.  This is like my moments at work in the morning when I would sit with my coffee, check my email, and just breath in the moments before a long work day.  While there is always going to be work to get done, I have to remember that each day, I have to reclaim control of the anxiety that comes with being overwhelmed and remember the bigger picture. 

I have to remind myself that God provides, God restores, God heals, God hears prayers, God listens, God is present, God knows my heart, and God has a purpose for my life. 

It will be any time now that feeding, cuddling, playing, and trying to do all of the rest of the stuff begins.  I could have started working on it in the last few minutes, but then would I remember what's really important?  Whose really in control?  I need to get better at having these moments... better of taking care of myself as a whole. 

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