I do however feel like I have been in my own metaphorical desert. And starting the Lent season when you already feel like you have been wandering alone for the last 8 months, doesn't motivate me the same way it used to. Lent to me used to be a challenge to show my faithfulness in a fun way. I would add some devotionals into my life, stop eating sugar, maybe give up soda, and then gleefully go about my life. I think our "first world edition" of Lent is often that way. Give up a tiny idol from our alter and joke about missing it for 40 days. But what if before those days, God allowed many of those idols to already be destroyed? What if you come to the desert already thirsty?
I have been hungering to feel God in the midst of all of this loss and pain. Last week's fertility appointment led to us delaying our fertility treatments due to two large cysts discovered on my right ovary. I was so hopeful that Chris and I discerned the right thing. See a month ago, I went alone to my first visit back to the fertility doctor who treated my endometriosis before having KK. A talk of fertility medication was discussed but not decided on. In talking with my sister, we discovered that the $1500 medication that I needed to purchase for these treatments was the same one she used. And ironically there was a full unused dose of it in her refrigerator. Insurance had paid for it last year and it was still good to be used. It left Chris and I with very little expense to try this route and the prayers we had been lifting up felt answered.
It's not that the situation is hopeless. There are two walnut sized sacs sitting in my right abdomen keeping us from getting pregnant the last few months. It explains why I felt crazy, oily, hormonal, crampy, and even pregnant at times in the last few months, but it is a road block for our family growing. I never realized just how much I could want something until I got pregnant with Kaylie. When I found out I was having a healthy baby girl at 20 weeks, my heart opened and exploded with love. And now all I really want out of this phase of my life is to continue to create more of that love. It's a hunger like nothing I've ever known before. I am so hungry...
And then I realize this is only a taste of what Jesus experienced. Because He knows my brokenness, and yours, and everyone elses, He carried that burden and died to redeem it. If we even know just a hint of Jesus's life and the Gospel is true, our suffering is a mere grain of sand to the emotional and spiritual warfare that He endured for us. And not only am I humbled, but I am on my face in reverence. I am quiet with my prayers for a moment. I have one area of brokenness in my life, but God has endured them all.
I realize in day 2 of Lent that there is a purpose to this suffering. Hind sight will be 20/20. These days of hunger and fasting do in fact show our faithfulness, but sometimes our Lent season is not one we create, it's one created for us. And I am trying my hardest to not get tempted in the desert to go back to my old idols for comfort, but sadly, I have started to realize that I am going back to them, all the time, every day because for a moment they provide a tiny bit of joy. I have gained 25 pounds since my miscarriage. I am back to what I weighed after I had KK, and it crushes my heart. Because it is a physical symbol that I am hurting and looking for comfort in physical things. It's the reality that the effects of that comfort are only temporary because for the last 8 months I kept going back and back for more and more of it each day. Yet, it has provided no real comfort or joy. It's effects are fleeting but yet, I surrender to the more and more as time went on. I would have moments where I regained control, but then another hard day would hit and I would "reward" myself with food for "making it through the day". And I kept growing larger and larger. Now my post pregnancy pants are tight, and I humbling ask myself in the mirror, "when are you going to realize that this isn't working for you?" It's not peace, it's a distraction to coming to God. I need a desert. I need to be stripped of this comfort. Because if one things goes wrong in my life, and I can't come to God with it, then what is my faith really consist of? Am I only going to truly experience you when I get my way? Am I only faithful when I am full?
So now I have decided that for Lent my journey is to think about that. I have stripped away those comforts, added in self care, but mostly, I have tried to start turning to God for that hunger. I have started once again to surrender my sin of over indulgence and tried to lift up my hurts rather than eat them up. And so in a sense, I am doing whatever one else is, "I am giving up carbs, processed food, coffee creamer, milk, fried foods, sugar, pop, and flour", but what I am really giving up is my earthly security blanket. I am trading my sorrows for God's peace. Because if I learned anything about Jesus's life is that He heals, He honors, and He redeems even the most driest desserts. Sometimes not with what we expect, but in time I know I will get out of this desert and start to move forward. Whether that means we have a baby or we start the adoption process or we become at peace with the one little, miraculous angel baby that He provided to us.
40 days is a blink of time if you think about it. In the moment we can focus on what we aren't having, or we can try to zoom out and think of the big picture. This practice of self-denial whether it be intentional or given to us is refining our faith if we allow it. We just have to move all those easier- to-worship idols out of the way to find the real comfort, the real peace, and the real hope which is Christ.
So fellow Lenters (if that's even a word), I hope your journey through the desert is plentiful, not necessarily in getting what you want, but finding peace with God amongst the darkest and most difficult moments. It's day 2 and I am already feeling some fruits of that fullness.
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