
As a little girl, my mom often said, "Patience is a virtue". I kept thinking, "yeah, whatever that means". I suppose now that I am older it holds more truth as I, ironically, still struggle to be patient for God's beautiful plan and promise. The following blogs are my thoughts and trials about life's journey and the emotions of being patient in waiting for the sun to rise...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Unexpected Miracle

Our church preached about miracles about a month ago.  I sat that Sunday hearing that word "Miracle" and thinking, I have one, right here.  Three months ago, I was diagnosed to endometriosis after being diagnosed with adnomyosis at the age of 18.  I was given the hope that some day I should be able to conceive, but I might need fertility treatment and time for my body to get hormones balanced.  I was okay with that with a budding new business, nearing getting my license, and my marriage only a year in; I thought time was something I could spare.  When I looked at my laperoscopy pictures, I remember seeing the large black abscess on my uterus, and I truly wondered if this doctor was just blowing smoke up my butt, trying to get me to put my endocrine system in his hands with hormones and injections.  I was offered a treatment to put my endometriosis "to sleep" for the next year while Chris and I thought about family planning.  I prayed hard about it and thought maybe it would be nice to not have pain, bloating and a year of bowel strain, but in the end, I had decided I didn't feel right going from eight years of hormone therapy to another kind of hormones.  I just wanted to see if between diet, exercise, prayer, and trying to balance my life that I could some how balance my body.

About a month ago, I started to feel exhausted from work, sick from the heat, and just not myself.  I was bloated, had cramps, but I knew something wasn't right.  The week of my mothers birthday in mid June, three of the mothers of my clients asked if either I was pregnant or if I was planning to have kids soon.  I was a little taken aback as I knew I had been struggling to lose weight and I certainly did not feel good, but I did not in any way think it would be possible that I was pregnant.  But I mean, there was a chance I could be, but I thought, "no, I can't be".  See I have read the research.  People with endo and adno combined have so much trouble conceiving children that they rarely get pregnant without some kind of intervention.  They certainly don't get pregnant with a few moments here and there without birth control.

And then the morning sickness grew and in a moment of part desperation and part wanting to convince myself I wasn't crazy, I bought two of the cheapest pregnancy tests that Target sells.  Around 11pm on Father's Day 2012, I took one of those tests.  Then I sent Chris out for one of those fancy tests that actually say "Pregnant" or "Not Pregnant".  Then I took another cheap one.  Then I called the doctor.  For the last five weeks I have been in a state of shock.  "Could it be?  Could I really be pregnant?"

Well, after an ultra sound, a heart beat, and a mini photo sheet of a tiny little teddy gram, I suppose God has blessed us with the biggest miracle of all.  I remember there was a time my disease was in a big flare up about three years ago, and I sobbed on the floor of my apartment in grad school at the thought of not being able to have a family of my own.  It was a moment of desperation.  Then again a year ago, around the time we got married and they offered prayer at our church for people with illnesses and though Chris and I were weeks into marriage, I had the woman pray for us that some day we would be able to make a family.  I just prayed, year in and year out, when I saw tiny baby feet and friends posting their precious pictures, I just kept praying, "God, if it's your will, give me the desires of my heart, to be a mother..."

  So, here it is... the news is official.  The Siegl's are pregnant, and we are due February 23, 2013.  Due on the day that exactly 10 years ago to the day that I accepted Christ as my savior on a mountain top in Laurelville, Pennsylvania.  I had no idea in ten years God to turn me from someone who doubted His existence, to someone who proclaims His miracles and praises His good deeds in my life.  
Today I announce, God has blessed us with an "unexpected miracle" 
and I will never be the same....

Heb 11:1: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

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