
As a little girl, my mom often said, "Patience is a virtue". I kept thinking, "yeah, whatever that means". I suppose now that I am older it holds more truth as I, ironically, still struggle to be patient for God's beautiful plan and promise. The following blogs are my thoughts and trials about life's journey and the emotions of being patient in waiting for the sun to rise...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Stepping it up

Three weeks into Clean Eating.  Outside of one slip up on my vacation to Michigan, I would say I have done fairly well.  I have gotten into a groove of eating these whole foodies and I can't say it's bad at all.  I think I missed being able to roll into McDonald's, but I don't miss the guilt of feeling like I was eating junk (because I was).  I am proud to say I am down 8 pounds from Easter, and 31 pounds down from the day before my water broke.  I still have 21 pounds to go until I get to my pre-baby weight and about 35 pounds away from my MAGIC goal weight.  Magic because I am not sure I can get there feasibly with this new body, but I am sure going to try.

I have started walking regularly, but today, for the first time since June of last year, I jogged.  It was for maybe a quarter mile or a little more, but I did it.  Stomach felt ok and dog made me motivated to try a little longer.  I am walking about 30-60 minutes each time and I feel stronger and stronger.  I am quite a sight; a momma, a stroller and baby, a husky along side listening to my Pandora aloud as I pump along the neighborhood. 

I am motivated after three weeks which is not usually like my past diet attempts.  I feel my stomach shrinking and my clothes fitting a little better.  I feel stronger in my legs and butt.  It's small changes here and there that make me feel different.  I can't believe I was 21 pounds lighter this time last year.  I can't wait to feel that way again.  I have been motivating myself with old pictures, scripture, success stories from my peers, and today buying a brand new pair of running shoes.

Last year for my birthday, I had asked for work out gear.  I got a complete Weight Watcher's kit and lots of cute workout gear.  I even got this awesome Nike watch to use with my shoes.  I found out I was pregnant a week before my birthday, so I almost felt like the weight loss stuff was a waste at the time.  I knew I would use it after the baby, and now that time has come.  I have all these cute size medium work out things, and I am dreaming of the day that my body looks cute wearing those clothes again.  For now, I am wearing Chris's small shirts as over-sized workout "dresses", leggings, and now my new shoes!

I thought by now, I would be shutting down and praying for carbs, but I am actually not.  I have completely started to enjoy veggies and fruit in a whole new way.  I love cooking with these new ingredients.  Latest favorites are "avocados and spinach scrambled eggs" and lots of fruits like bananas, apples, grapes, and berries.  I think having a partner in the journey who wants to lose weight, too, makes it much easier.  Together, we have lost 18 pounds.  We are going to step it up again.  I am going to start running again and Chris is going to start doing a push up regime and do his physical therapy for his knee.  We are doing a 5k walk this weekend and I hope it kicks off becoming more into our workouts.  I am not looking for an extreme plan, just a lifestyle change.  We are gardening more and watching TV less.  We are eating lots more veggies.  We are sharing our thoughts, encouraging each other, thinking about ways we can have less and we can give more with food, with money, and with how we live.   There is so much to our life style change of simplifying, renewing, and becoming more of who we feel God wants us to be.  We are stepping it up.

Having a baby is life changing, and it's also very motivating.  There were so many things that I struggled to do for myself because I guess I always felt that I succeeded in my professional, academic and relational life.  I told myself that by being smart or successful was an excuse to eat what I wanted to skip workouts.  I always gave myself a pass when I was lazy and ate garbage.  I had to start realize that I was actually missing out, on good foods and more quality time with my family.  Something changed when I had KK.  My motivation and my heart earned for a more fulfilling life, marriage, and lifestyle.  For once, I want to change that side of me, too, because I want her to see that you can be healthy, a big giver, an active person, and one who is in love with the Lord.  I started to realize that how I live after work was just as important as the work I did every day.  I started to realize that work was a lot less important than I thought it was.  Every day that I glorify that promise to her and myself, I have sense of confidence like I've never had before.  I am happier.  The positive momentum continues and I just want more of that in my life. 

So I keep moving forward... 

1 comment:

  1. Im 6 lbs from my magic goal weight! It can be done! Ive lost 40 lbs since anna was born. It just takes time!
