I wore my new outfit to work, felt better in it, but had this lingering feeling that I can't be content to stay in this size. It's not a healthy weight even after a baby. So while I am content that I am making progress, I realize with winter and holidays coming I need another push to take it up a notch. I need motivation to get back on the eating well AND working out train... Motivation....
Today, I reorganized the garage after my morning sessions. I pulled down the treadmill and moved some things out of the way, so I no longer can't say I can't go for a run or a walk during the day. We have a TV and DVD player for workouts and weights to kick it up a notch. We have an ab ball, a sit up mat, and lots of workouts from Men's Health Magazine. On the wall is a list of old times from running right before I got pregnant. I was working on getting my two mile time under 25 minutes. I stood looking at it in my work clothes. I thought, I will walk. Baby is asleep. Treadmill is ready and hooked up. So I walked, and then I thought, I want to go faster. So I ran a mile... in my size 14 dress pants.... It was a slow mile, but a mile none the less. I haven't really run like that in months. Maybe since even before I got pregnant, but it felt wonderful. I could tell my strength had shifted from my legs to my arms from carrying a big old 20 pound baby all the time. I could feel the fluff, but I also felt like inside I was still strong and still able to do it.
I didn't have a full workout. I burned 103 calories which is pretty much like half of a cookie, but I didn't make another excuse to sit on facebook or just do another chore during nap time. I did something for me. I feel better. I feel more awake. Now, I just need to figure out the motivation to do this daily... for me... for my Turks and Caicos body...
I am thinking of printing a picture of the beach. I know when I stand in my one piece swim suit on the beach I want to stand as confident as I can because I took care of myself. I am going to keep eating right and try to keep cutting out the extra junk I don't really need. And I am going to try my best to keep running. I need to make new habits as a mom, so KK can see what it means to live a healthy life. Hope to find motivation, inspiration, and endurance to start a new habit and continue to try and get back to a healthier lifestyle.
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