
As a little girl, my mom often said, "Patience is a virtue". I kept thinking, "yeah, whatever that means". I suppose now that I am older it holds more truth as I, ironically, still struggle to be patient for God's beautiful plan and promise. The following blogs are my thoughts and trials about life's journey and the emotions of being patient in waiting for the sun to rise...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Anniversary... Year 2

I can and can't believe it's been two years since we got married.  So much in our lives has changed, and yet, I feel like time has zipped by in a blink.  I remember that day with such clarity.  The rush of the morning, the Grand Stair case.  I remember seeing you down the aisle and feeling a big smile on my face.  I remember the moment I got up to you and you were tearful.  It was our day.
I remember the people.  Our friends from near and far.  They drove from Georgia, Michigan, Iowa, New York, Massachusetts, DC, and Texas.  I remember feeling like a princess and you, my prince.  I remember the music and feeling like all of our love some how poured out in that ceremony.  Every detail we picked together, from our vows to the table linens, it all came together.  It was my little girl dream.  You were my Ken Doll.  I felt like Barbie.  Our families all together, our friends becoming friends.  That day was one of the best days of my life.  It was the start, the beginning, of the best chapters of my life.
Everything about you makes you my prince charming.  You're so kind.  You're handsome (more than all the other princes) and you love me with a kind of love I only thought occurred in fairy tales.  We have celebrated so much joy these two years: from buying a beautiful home and making it our own, adopting the best dog in the world, and now having the most angelic little daughter God could have given us.  I am far beyond blessed.  There is no greater gift than having you as my husband.  You've given me so much.  Love, patience, grace, and acceptance for who I am.  You bring out my best features and accept my worst qualities.  Sometimes I catch you smiling at me when I am being the rawest parts of myself, and I can actually see how much you love me. 

So much of my joy in life is simply being with you.  Our walks down the neighborhood street with our little family, those mornings on Saturday when we pull Macy into bed and just snuggle, and every day when you come home and I see you again.  I am so overcome with the joy that I get from being with you.  I never knew I could be this happy or that someone could look at me the way you do.  You see so much more in me than I ever have, and it makes me believe in myself more.  No one in this world has ever made me as happy. I know that it will only get better the more years we spend together, the more memories we make.
You are my love.  The love of my life.  There is no one else in this world that just gets me, accepts me, and cherishes me like you do.  I know there will be days and moments when I want to scream or walk away, but I pray and hope that our love continues to pull us through even the darkest times.  You're my very best friend, and I know that no one will ever come close to loving me the way you do.  You're pretty wonderful, you know...  I got the best one of the bunch... Out of all of Des Plaines, out of the whole Phi Delt House, of all of Purdue and in this world and beyond, I got the very best one.  I hope you know just how much I love you.  I want everyone to know how much I love you.  You're more than words can say, and your love for me is all that God asks of a husband to love his wife.  You are so gentle, patient, kind, and self-less.  I wish I had a chance to list all those times, but my life is just filled with those moments.  

I love you.  I'll love you always.  You are forever part of my heart...

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